
Hello there! I'm Marlon, a dedicated Software Developer, and my journey into the tech world is a tale of transformation and unwavering determination. My professional background lies in Tech Recruitment, where I had a front-row seat to the ever-evolving tech landscape. My fascination with technology dates back to my childhood, sparked by a curiosity for gadgets, games, and computers, a passion that has remained throughout my life. I even dabbled in HTML during the early 2000s, although it wasn't my chosen career path at the time; instead, I landed into Tech Recruitment.

In 2019, I had the calling to try my hand at coding again and embarked on a Python bootcamp course on Udemy. Unfortunately, other commitments prevented me from fully immersing myself in coding at that time. However, in 2022, I seized the opportunity to revisit coding, wholeheartedly embracing it as my career path. These days, I eagerly anticipate my evenings, where I find solace at my computer, coding away. I've successfully struck a harmonious balance between my daily coding pursuits and my full-time role as a Talent Partner, all while aspiring to secure a future position in the field.

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